Dr. Dipita Hossain
Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental Planning
Academic Biography
Dr. Dipita Hossain is currently serving as Assistant Professor in Department of URP, BUET since returning from her study leave on January 2023. She received a Bachelor's degree from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET in 2012 and completed a Master's degree from the same institution in 2016. Dr. Dipita joined as a Lecturer in the department in 2012 and was later promoted to the position of Assistant Professor in 2017. She received “Prime Minister’s Gold medal 2011-12” by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh in year 2016. Her passion lies in the fields of environmental health and environmental planning and management. Her master’s thesis was based on Valuation of health impact due to industry induced environmental pollution in a heavy industrial area within Dhaka Division of Bangladesh. Following on, she received Commonwealth Scholarship for conducting PhD in University of Liverpool in year 2017. From the Environmental Assessment and Management Research Centre at Department of Geography and Planning in University of Liverpool, she earned her PhD in year 2022. Her doctoral dissertation was on "Exploring the role of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system in delivering environmental sustainability within the textile industry of Bangladesh." She received Associate membership at Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) in year 2022 through a competitive examination. She intends to continue research in the fields of environmental health, environmental planning and EIA.
- Email: dhossain003@urp.buet.ac.bd
- Email: h_dipita@yahoo.com
Educational Information
- Ph.D. (Funded by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in UK), University of Liverpool, 2022
- Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2016
- Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (BURP), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2012
Research Accounts
- Working as Environmental expert (consultant) in the Technical Support Team from Department of URP, BUET on the Upazila Town (Non Municipal) Master Plan Preparation and Basic Infrastructure Development Project by LGED (ongoing)
- Worked as an Environmental expert (consultant) for Establishment of National Academy for Advanced Telecommunications Research and Training project by Department of Telecommunications (DoT) Bangladesh (2023)
- Worked as Junior Town Planner in Preparation of Integrated Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Planning for Local Government Institutions of Bangladesh funded by UNICEF and UKAID. (2012-2013).
- Worked as Researcher in Social Impact Assessment part of Feasibility Study for the proposed new campus of BRAC University. (2014).
Research Interests
- Regional Planning
- Environmental Planning and Management
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
All Publications |
Uttama Barua,
Dipita Hossain
A review of the medical waste management system at Covid-19 situation in Bangladesh Springer, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2021 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link
Medical waste (MW) poses serious threats to environmental and public health. Throughout the world, existing challenges of medical waste management (MWM) have been heightened in the Covid-19 situation due to an increase in the massive amount of MW. Even before the pandemic, MWM has always been a concern in Bangladesh. The objectives of this research are to review the related national policy initiatives and guidelines in Bangladesh in comparison with the international guidelines, to evaluate the present scenario of the MWM system, and to explore the scope of Impact Assessment (IA) in improving the system. From the analysis, it has been found that several national guidelines have been formulated during this pandemic covering important issues related to the MWM system, which is commendable. Some of these guidelines comply with international guidelines, but there are inconsistencies among these. However, neither the previous MWM policy tools nor these guidelines are implemented accordingly. In this pandemic, an IA framework has also been published in Bangladesh, which is praiseworthy. Although no evidence could be found on its implementation either. Therefore, it is necessary to take initiative for the implementation of this IA framework. Thereby the policy makers will be able to identify the gaps prohibiting the implementation of the MWM policy tools and guidelines. This will enable them to take corrective actions accordingly to improve the MWM system by enhancing the preparedness and capacity against any possible future situations like pandemic overwhelming the MW situation in Bangladesh.
Ahmad Ilderim Tokey,
Shefa Arabia Shioma,
Md. Muniruzzaman Munir,
Dipita Hossain,
Mohammad Shakil Akther,
Ishrat Islam
Redevelopment of a Dense Area: A Participatory Planning Approach for Regeneration in Old Dhaka, Bangladesh Institut Teknologi Bandung, Journal of Regional and City Planning, 2020 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link
Urban redevelopment is a critical process that needs to apporach issues from different angles with the intention to arrive at one single point: sustainability. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, with a density of 28,000 people/km2, is currently having a tough time to give its people access to urban facilities. Old Dhaka, the 400-year-old part of the city, has very distinctive characteristics: historical buildings, wholesale trade, a dense urban pattern, narrow roads, low standard of urban utilities. This study attempted to describe persisting problems and expectations of the local people in this area, to be considered during redevelopment. This study followed the method of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). First, the existing development pattern and business zones were determined based on a historical timeline, a transact walk, a social and resource map, and a mobility map. The pair-wise ranking method was used in several focus group discussions to prioritize the problems. After prioritizing, a cause-effect diagram was created for the top problems. Then, after a rigorous SWOT analysis, several strategies were formulated from the point of view of historical conservation, development pattern, and the existing chemical industry. The importance of this study is that it is a real-time study and that it has some general implications for similar future cases, such as prioritizing the most persistent problems, thinking with empathy while dealing with old, traditional areas and to ensure local safety, livability and business performance simultaneously in the case of commercial areas. The results of this study are useful for local policy makers as they provide a valuable blend of technical analysis and local people's feedback.
Rama Mohana R Turaga,
Sandip Chakrabarti,
Urmila Jha-Thakur,
Dipita Hossain
Exploring the role of Urban Green Spaces in 'smartening' cities in India Taylor & Francis, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2019 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link
This paper explores the conceptualization of Urban Green Space (UGS) within India’s urban planning process. In doing so, the context of the Smart Cities Mission (SCM), which is a flagship programme for urban transformation in the country, is chosen. We identified four key elements of UGS planning in the literature – quantity, accessibility, multifunctionality, and connectivity. Using this as a framework for analysis, we reviewed the national SCM guidelines and plans of four cities – Gwalior, Bhagalpur, Chandigarh, and Udaipur – in depth. We find that multifunctionality does not feature in the planning of UGS, and the notable absence of a connected, strategic vision suggests the need for strategic-level planning and assessment that goes beyond the project level in India.
Dipita Hossain,
Amin, E.,
Haque, A
Empirical analysis of trade area of selected shopping centers of Dhaka Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET, Second Annual Conference in Regional Science, 2018 Publication Type: Conference Paper View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link |
Bari, K. E.,
Rahaman, S. K.,
Dipita Hossain,
Sharmeen, N.,
Hasan, M. M. U.
A Study on The Factors Influencing Rural-Urban Migration and Required facilities and Amenities for the Local Residents and Non-Local Officials Jahangirnagar University, 1st Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC), 2016 Publication Type: Conference Paper View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link |
Safayet, M.,
Chakrabartty, J.,
Arefin, M. F.,
Haque, A.,
Dipita Hossain,
Sharmin, N.
Regional Disparity Analysis of Pabna, Rajshahi and Sirajganj Districts Jahangirnagar University, 1st Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC), 2016 Publication Type: Conference Paper View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link |
Afrin Hossain,
Anhar Zihan Athoi,
Mirza Imran,
Mijanur Rahman,
Md.Musleh Uddin Hasan,
Naila Sharmeen,
Dipita Hossain
A Study on Would-Be Urban-Migrants’ Needs and Necessities in Rural Bangladesh to Hold Them in Their Own Localities IISTE, Civil and Environmental Research, 2014 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link
Migration is defined by the movement of people or groups of people from one place to another. As rural areas lack proper facilities and services, people tend to migrate to urban areas in hope of better standard of life. This causes various problems in urban areas. These problems can only be reduced if sufficient facilities are provided in the rural areas. This study attempts to find out the facilities and services required by both the local and non-local people living in the rural areas. The findings from the study are based on data collected through questionnaire surveys. The findings reflect the level of satisfaction of people with various facilities. Also it reflects the priority of services and facilities that are the most required by the local and non-local respondents. A lot of variation was revealed regarding requirements of the local and non-local people among the five districts (Moulvibazar, Bogra, Bagerhat, Pabna, Kishoregonj) under inspection. Based on the analyses, the study recommends some important facilities that should be provided to keep the people away from moving to major cities. If facilities and services of priority are provided then people will find the places more comfortable for living and the interest to migrate will reduce.
Sadya Islam,
Antora M. Haque,
Mohammad T. H. Shubho,
Ishrat Islam,
Farzana Khatun,
Dipita Hossain
Addressing Community Based Problems: Exploring the Role of CBO Through Participatory Approach ESI, European Scientific Journal, 2014 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link
Urban and rural communities in a country are sometimes confronted with many problems which are well understood by the community residents itself. A Community Based Organization (CBO), in this regard, can play the major role to solve these problems by selfinitiative participatory approach. Community Based Organization (CBO) is such a non-profit institute which operates within a community to provide the local services and is usually run by the local people of that community. Rather depending on local/central government, the community itself can solve certain problems with the assistance of local people and CBOs. In such backdrop, this research was intended to unfold the role of CBO in improving the urban community through Participatory Reflection and Action (PRA) method. The study is based on an urban CBO of Lalbag Thana in South Dhaka, Bangladesh. This research was intended to identify the major problems, their causes and effects on the study area and possible solutions of those problems through active participation of both CBO and its people. Several PRA tools were employed to obtain the objectives. Sewerage and drainage problem, poor water quality and water supply, narrow and poor condition of access roads etc. were the major problems. Effective solutions came forth from the locality for solving those problems such as: provision of water extraction pump and reservoir, drain cover and street dustbins and enforcement of building bye-laws etc. Whilst having the potential, the CBO was found inadequate to implement the solutions due to lack of resource mobilization. However, success of this research is a clear indication that community improvement is possible through mobilization of CBO and ensuring public participation.
Nusrat Sharmin,
Shrabanti Hira,
Bandhan Ayon,
Md. Awal,
Ishrat Islam,
Farzana Khatun,
Dipita Hossain
Solving Community Problems Through Participatory Planning: Role of CBO (A Case Study of Monipuripara, Dhaka) Ontario International Development Agency, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2013 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has undergone rapid urbanization in an unplanned manner over the years. The high growth rate of urban population has made the city unable to cope with the changing situations of urban life. This large proportion of urban community is bestowed with various types of problems throughout their daily life. This paper provides an overview of the existing problems at community level in an urban area through PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) approach. In this research, an attempt has been made to investigate the physical and social characteristics of the community, activities of the Community Based Organization (CBO), its relationship with other institutions and stakeholders, existing problems of the community, the underlying causes and effects of those problems etc. Finally some internal and external factors reflecting the prospects and limitations of the community, possible solutions of the problems have also been discussed in this research.
CBOs are nonprofit groups that work at a local level to improve the standard of life for residents within the community. A CBO can hold a great role for the overall improvement of a community and can also be used as means to route information and other resources for improving the living conditions in a community. The CBO of Monipuripara residential area of ward no. 27 of Dhaka City Corporation North, named “Monipuripara Kallyan Samiti” has been selected for this study. Different PRA tools have been used (i.e. social and resource map, time line, pair-wise ranking, cause-effect diagram, Venn diagram, SWOT analysis) to identify and evaluate the problems, obstacles, prospects and solutions toward a self-sustained and convenient community as a whole.
The research identifies that the community leaders of the study area and Monipuripara Samabay Samiti (an organization, providing microcredit facility) have great influence on the CBO. They take almost all decisions in CBO considering others’ opinion. It is revealed from the local residents that the community faces several problems among which traffic congestion, increased number of roadside hawkers and inadequate community services are severe. Key Informant Interview has been also conducted to verify the identified problems and cause-effects of those problems.
Throughout the research the mass people and the CBO of this locality have been facilitated to share, enhance and analyze the knowledge of their own neighborhood. However, the community itself affirms possible solutions for the associated problems and some recommendations have also been drawn by the facilitators considering the strength and weakness of the community to reach to a credible conclusion.
Dipita Hossain,
Nushrat Jahan,
Md. Imam Hossain,
Khadija Akhter,
Ishrat Islam,
Naila Sharmeen
PRA: A Tool to Address WatSan Issues and Achieve the Standard In Low Income Settlements An empirical study on a Dhaka slum BIP, Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, 2013 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link
Most of the slums in Dhaka lack in safe water supply and sanitation facilities. This study was performed in a slum situated near Mohammadpur embankment known as Shopon’s slum. Participatory rural appraisal method was used to collect information and analyze the WatSan problems of the slum. It is built on low lying marsh land and stagnant water. Water supply is illegally obtained from municipal connection and insanitary hanging latrines are used. According to the analysis lack of property rights, financing, lack of space and low elevation are the main reasons
for water-sanitation problem of the slum. Resulting effects are inconvenience, long waiting time, disease outbreak, water logging etc. After considering standards set by DPHE and slum dwellers demand, a submerged septic tank system based sanitation plan and a legal water supply with storage tank and collection points for the community is proposed. PRA tools were proved to be helpful for this purpose.
Dipita Hossain,
Jahan, N.,
Islam, S.,
Shil, B.,
Islam, I.,
Haque, A.,
Debnath, A. K.
A Spatial Analysis on Agricultural Production of Bangladesh: Focusing on Milk and Turmeric Bangladesh Bangladesh Development Initiative (BDI), International Conference on Bridging the Policy-Action Divide: Challenges and Prospects, 2013 Publication Type: Conference Paper View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link |
Dipita Hossain,
Jahan, N.,
Islam, S.,
Shil, B. C.,
Islam, I.,
Akther, M. S.
Image of Chawk Bazaar: An Analysis from Physical and Socio-Economic Perspectives Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET, Nagar Shoilee, 2011 Publication Type: Journal Article View Summary/Abstract , Publication Link |