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Two theses receive RISE Student Research Grant 2022
Dec 08, 2022
Two groups of BURP students have received the RISE Student Research Grant 2022 offered by the Research and Innovation Centre for Science and Engineering (RISE) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). The decision was shared on November 23, 2022. Ms. Nazifa Anzum and Ms. Iffat Baki Bushra have received a grant worth Tk. 94,200 for their undergraduate thesis titled “A Study on Land Cover Change Along National Highways of Bangladesh and its Relationship with Road Safety”. Mr. Md. Moshiur Rahman Khan and Mr. Md. Sabbir Hossain Muni are granted Tk. 74,868 for their undergraduate thesis on “Perceived Service Quality of Rail Freight Transport in Bangladesh”. The two groups are being supervised by Professor Dr. Ishrat Islam and Assistant Professor Mr. Niaz Mahmud Zafri.